Replay and Local Hitbox Plugin

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Author: JerryTheBee
First Uploaded: 06/21/2020
Last Updated: 09/16/2020
 Views: 4328
 Downloads: 1625
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See car hitboxes in replays and local matches


Use this plugin to see hitboxes in replays and local matches. Designed with the intention to look closely at demolitions that may be questionable as of the new demolition update. This update has since been rolled back, but the usefulness of the plugin still stands.

Known issue with offscreen cars still rendering hitboxes.

Updated to have more accurate hitboxes and better flexibility. Newer cars will actually display their proper hitboxes and hitbox locations rather than the Octane's. Should support any future cars added to the game.

Updated to work in exhibition matches.

This plugin is built on top of Hitbox Plugin by mega with their permission. Use that plugin for freeplay or training!