
Plugin Banner
Author: SoulDaMeep
First Uploaded: 02/19/2023
Last Updated: 04/07/2024
 Views: 87085
 Downloads: 101828
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Displays the platform of every player in a game



plugin id: 376

Big thanks to the team that helped and supported the making of this plugin:

Images gathered and edited by Swan \ Images, Banner, and funding by Mrkz \ Implementation of scoreboard images by Rivques \ Implementation of "Ghost Players" and refactoring by LikeBook

Why doesnt it line up?

Display Scale in the interface settings of rocketleague is not supported in the sdk. only works on 100% Display Scale and will need further testing once it is added. Interface Scale should be 90% or lower, 90+ is not linear to the rest.

Interface Scale: 90%-

Display Scale: 100%

"Ghost Players" / Start of game sorting

Both fixed. Please contact me if you would like to learn how we fixed these issues.

if there is any bugs or issues, please message me on discord: @souldameep